Teori Belajar Kognitif-Cognitive Learning Theory

Posted on 20:07 | By Article Center | In ,


Different cognitive learning theory with learning theory behavioristic. Cognitive learning theory more importance on the process of learning from the results of learning. Cognitive learning model says that a person's behavior is determined by the perceptions and understanding of the situation related to the learning objectives. learning is a change of perception and understanding can not always be seen as behavior that looks.
This theory holds that learning is a process that includes interal memory, retention, processing information, emotional and psychological aspects of other. The learning process involves setting the received stimuli and adapt to the cognitive structures that already exist and are formed in one's mind based on understanding and previous experiences.
Among the cognitive theorists, there are three well-known experts, among others: Piaget, Bruner, Ausubel. Akan tetapi dalam makalah ini hanya menjelaskan mengenai teori kognitif menurut Bruner.