The Sources of Islamic Law-Sumber-Sumber Hukum Islam

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Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution is the primary source of law in Indonesia, from two sources that Indonesia is able to run itself on some of the old order, new order, and reform, or that we are familiar with the term absolute democracy. Source of law is a benchmark in determining a new rule, so as not to stray from the main purpose of a group, religion or country. Therefore, not in this world that has a rule, but do not have the legal sources. Thus, the law and legal resources can not be separated, they must go together.
Islam as the religion of the world's second largest after Christianity and a religion that respects the welfare and unity, all human beings, also have a rules that apply to the believer to achieve its main objectives. Rules bersifar horizontally and vertically (Hablun Minallah wa Hablun Minannas). For that, Muslims in leading his people in carrying out and making laws that are required to be based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, they were a major source of Islamic law.
However, today, Muslims are faced with problem-problemcbaru and complex phenomenon that they have difficulty to take a decision and action. But also some of them, ridiculous and arbitrary act arbitrarily in the face of new events. It happened because of lack of understanding of the sources of Islamic law. Therefore, the authors of this paper will discuss the sources of Islamic law is complete and agreed by jumhur Ulama 'so as Muslims continue to run in accordance with the laws of Allah SWT.