Essence Of Prayer Tahajud-Hakikat Sholat Tahajud

Posted on 04:43 | By Article Center | In ,


Prayer is commanded to worship Muhammad and His people when he went running Isra 'and Mi `raj. The Prophet said, praying that mi'rajnya a believer. Prophet Ascension journey is the journey that is very, very blessed. This is a journey filled with the scent and spiritual beauty. The purpose of this trip is to meet with God.
So with prayer, prayer meeting goals Allah SWT. While this meeting could only be a believer, not merely a Muslim. Say prayer is the culmination of all worship because that is the way sholatlah, processes, tools, Untk facing Allah SWT, to meet with him, and to dialogue with him.
When the day was turning on its axis and will have lunch and dinner, always berdanti penance. When the day we are required to seek rizki who has been awarded to his servants. And we worship the night time and faced to the Creator for barokah bershukur and pleaded for what we can. As Muslims in prayers for sunahkan Tahajjud which has many blessings. Because the word of God, which reads:
"And on the part of the night, then bowed down to Him and glorify Him in the night long"
Tahajjud prayer has many advantages that will be able to Muhammad who devoted people and want to do it. Of the advantages that one of them is about achieving success in the world live and survive in akherat. In this case the success in the world will quickly be obtained by the prayers offered at night or the Tahajjud Qiyamullaili time.