The Concept of Learning by Az-Zarnuji-Konsep Belajar Menurut Az-Zarnuji

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Because of the importance of this Ilmi Thalabul, then the Prophet ordered his people to keep up their studies at any time. "Ilma Uthlubul minal mahdi, ilal lahdi", demand of science since the mother's arms to the grave ". So the word of the Apostle. Because of that, nothing else to do but serious in learning, reproduce insights, exchange ideas, discussion (Mudzakarah, Muthala'ah, Munadzarah) and other things that can be valuable knowledge, so that one day humans can achieve God's reward, in Paradise Jannatun Na'im.
Of course, studying is not easy. Inside was full of tests and trials. Sometimes the money was in hand, while the demand needs of increasing learning time, misery when learning, as teachers begin working order, memorizing and others. All it takes perseverance and tremendous tenacity. A poem says: "Whoever their studies with no serious, then wait there is a gray crow". This means that fortitude alone was not enough, but it also must be balanced with the seriousness, continuity, and high ductility. If it is fulfilled, God willing, the student will not only managed to obtain more knowledge, but also useful, provided accompanied with sincere intentions only because of God and not because they expect the popularity in the midst of life.
Reality which is the environmental community still find people who learn, or send their children to study only aimed to find a job and social status alone. Employment and social status is something that needs to find, but it should not be the main orientation in the study, because both it is only Allah who has the right to regulate them.
In addition, in the study also needed special tricks, so that the run did not find difficulties. For example, how do I start learning time, a good way of learning, ethics for teachers, friends and the book's lessons learned and so forth. But also not to be forgotten are praying to God Almighty bermunajat so blessed with brains, able to understand well, and blessed with useful knowledge. Beneficial for themselves, especially for the homeland, nation and religion.
So when the adult learners have been serious in their studies, but not until the benefits and results, namely the practice and disseminate knowledge. Both became blocked, because they have been wrong in the path of seeking knowledge and leave the terms. Whoever is going the wrong way, then he will get lost and will not get what you meant. Because of that, Az-Zarnuji want to explain to them about the methods of study in accordance with what is taught by several teachers who have knowledge and wisdom. Everything is meant to get students from the prayer Mukhlis science lovers.