Describe Multiple Intelligences Applications As Intellectual Capital Development Proficiency Life (LIFE SKILL)-Mendeskripsikan Aplikasi Kecerdasan Maj
Posted on 04:39 | By Article Center | In Concept of Learning , Psikologi Pendidikan
One of the developmental tasks that adolescents must master is to learn what is expected by the group from him and then want to establish their behavior to conform with social harapam without continued guided, supervised and punished didororng as experienced when the kids. Adolescent phase is the development of the individual segments is very important.
Which begins with the mature organs of the physical (sexual) that it can produce. Salzman argues, that the development of adolescents is dependent manner (dependence) of the parents toward self-sufficiency (independence), sexual interests, self reflection, and attention to aesthetic values and moral issues.
Which begins with the mature organs of the physical (sexual) that it can produce. Salzman argues, that the development of adolescents is dependent manner (dependence) of the parents toward self-sufficiency (independence), sexual interests, self reflection, and attention to aesthetic values and moral issues.