"Human Development Study Law and Psychological Perspectives the Qur'an"-“Kajian Hukum Perkembangan Manusia Perspektif Psikologi dan Al-Qur’an”
Posted on 05:09 | By Article Center | In Concept of Learning , Psikologi Pendidikan
Object developmental psychology of human development as a person. The development of the human person is going on since the conception until death. The development in question is a specific process that is ongoing yamg process, and the process that led to the future and not simply be repeated again.
Humans by nature are a perfect creation of God shape compared with other God's creation. Humans are equipped with the ability to know and understand the truth and goodness that radiated from his creation. Through the mind of reason, man tries to understand the reality of his life, understand themselves and what is around it. By studying psychology, people will know the facts and principles about human behavior.