Based Quality Improvement Management School (MPMBS)-Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (MPMBS)

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MPMBS Management provides management greater autonomy to schools and encourages schools to conduct participatory decision-making to meet the needs of school quality or to achieve the quality of schools.
MPMBS essence is to give schools autonomy and participatory decision making to achieve the objective quality of schools.
Autonomy: self-sufficiency in managing and taking care of itself, independent / independent.
Participatory Decision-making: a way to make decisions through the creation of an environment that is open and democratic, where the citizens of the school (teachers, students, staff, parents, community leaders) are encouraged to get involved directly in decision-making processes that can contribute to the achievement of objectives schools and madrasah.
Objectives and Implementation MPMBS
ReasonImproving the quality of education through increased independence, flexibility, participation, openness, cooperation, accountability and sustainability, and school initiatives in managing, utilizing and empowering resourcesavailable.
Increase citizen awareness in schools and community education through shared decision-making.
Increasing the responsibility of schools to parents, communities, and governments to improve the quality of schools.
Improving the healthy competition between schools.(Dikdasmen MONE, 2002)
By granting greater autonomy to schools, schools will have the initiative and creativity in improving the quality of schools.
By providing flexibility / greater flexibility to schools to manage their resources, the school expected to be more flexible and agile in managing and utilizing its resources optimally to improve the quality of schools
School knows, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to himself so that school personnel can optimize utilization of available resources to promote the school.
The school knows the needs of the institution, especially the education inputs that will be developed and utilized in the educational process in accordance with the level of development and needs of learners.
decision made by the school better suited to meet the needs of the school because the school that best knows what is best for their schools.