Ibn Khaldun As Figure Sociology

Posted on 04:01 | By Article Center | In ,


Man (Ibn Khaldun) who was born in Tunisia on 1 Ramadan 732 M. H./27 May 1332 is known as a historian and father of sociology who memorized the Koran of Islam from an early age. As an expert of Islamic politics, he was known as the father of the Islamic economy, because their thoughts on the economic theory of the logical and realistic far has dikemukakannya before Adam Smith (1723-1790) and David Ricardo (1772-1823) put forward its economic theories. Even when he entered his teens, his writings have spread everywhere. The writings and ideas of Ibn Khaldun was born as a very deep study, observation of the various communities that familiar with science and extensive knowledge, and he lived in the midst of their extensive travels as well.
Reflections can provide brilliant big influence for Western intellectuals and the East, both Muslim and non-Muslims. In the course of his life, Ibn Khaldun was filled with various events, wanderings, and changes with a number of tasks as well as political office, scientific and judicial. Perlawatannya between Maghrib and Andalusia, and between Maghrib and Eastern countries provide significant lessons. He is a descendant of the Prophet Companions. named Wail bin Hujr from Kindah tribes.

Method of Learning By Al-Ghazali

Posted on 06:42 | By Article Center | In ,


As an educational process requires a strong relationship between teachers and students, al-Ghazali's writings specialize mostly in the field of education about the relationship. He explained about the teachers and students an ideal in his view, as well as the ideal method should be used in teaching teachers student participants, either in education or in relation to other aspects such as social and emotional aspects. Therefore, al-Ghazali could not agree with contemporary educators are very concerned about the relationship between teachers and students, because the success of education to the extent that large comes from the relationship between emotion and compassion that must be bound between teachers and learners. Relationship can be a refuge, where the students will feel the serenity of his teacher, he was not "afraid" of his teacher and also not be away from him.

Al-Ghazali also states that the teaching profession is the noblest profession, and the task of the highest rank. He said "... the most precious beings on this earth are human, and an essential part of the most noble man is his heart, while the teacher on duty to perfect, glorified, purified and placed close to God 'may He be glorified. So learn a science is intended to worship Allah and serve Him. If the learning goal is to serve Him, and He always will open the hearts of those who have knowledge of the science that always glorifies its properties ... ".

Al-Ghazali also argued that a perfect teacher and praiseworthy conduct to use ruqyah reason, have always adorned themselves with properties that have quality tertentu.yang he could not escape from it: First, because the process of teaching and education is the teaching profession, the most important characteristics that must be have is love, it is because students feel dependent on her teacher's feelings and friendly manner. The students will get the confidence and will feel at peace with his teacher. Feelings like this will help learners to more easily in learning.

School Leadership-Kepemimpinan Sekolah

Posted on 02:07 | By Article Center | In ,


The process of influencing others to act according to what he wanted.
Elements of leadership
1. The man who led the
2. The people who led
3. Penggerakkan activity or activities to achieve goals.
4. Objectives to be achieved together.
Destination Leadership School
1. Helping teachers to understand, choose and formulate educational objectives to be achieved
2. Mobilizing teachers, staff, students and community members for the success of education programs in schools.
3. Creating schools as a harmonious working environment, healthy, dynamic and comfortable, so that all members can work with full productivity and gain a high job satisfaction.
Terms and Principles of School Leadership
1. Personality; Principal admirable personality.
2. Understanding and mastery of educational objectives.
3. Knowledge; Principals have extensive knowledge in their fields.

Based Quality Improvement Management School (MPMBS)-Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (MPMBS)

Posted on 01:56 | By Article Center | In ,


MPMBS Management provides management greater autonomy to schools and encourages schools to conduct participatory decision-making to meet the needs of school quality or to achieve the quality of schools.
MPMBS essence is to give schools autonomy and participatory decision making to achieve the objective quality of schools.
Autonomy: self-sufficiency in managing and taking care of itself, independent / independent.
Participatory Decision-making: a way to make decisions through the creation of an environment that is open and democratic, where the citizens of the school (teachers, students, staff, parents, community leaders) are encouraged to get involved directly in decision-making processes that can contribute to the achievement of objectives schools and madrasah.
Objectives and Implementation MPMBS
ReasonImproving the quality of education through increased independence, flexibility, participation, openness, cooperation, accountability and sustainability, and school initiatives in managing, utilizing and empowering resourcesavailable.
Increase citizen awareness in schools and community education through shared decision-making.
Increasing the responsibility of schools to parents, communities, and governments to improve the quality of schools.
Improving the healthy competition between schools.(Dikdasmen MONE, 2002)
By granting greater autonomy to schools, schools will have the initiative and creativity in improving the quality of schools.
By providing flexibility / greater flexibility to schools to manage their resources, the school expected to be more flexible and agile in managing and utilizing its resources optimally to improve the quality of schools
School knows, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to himself so that school personnel can optimize utilization of available resources to promote the school.
The school knows the needs of the institution, especially the education inputs that will be developed and utilized in the educational process in accordance with the level of development and needs of learners.
decision made by the school better suited to meet the needs of the school because the school that best knows what is best for their schools.

Organizing School-Pengorganisasian Sekolah

Posted on 01:54 | By Article Center | In ,


Definition: The process of grouping the school staff who performed as the principal organizer with all specifications and duties of each office, and the infrastructure needed, so as to create a cohesive working group to achieve school goals.
The purpose and function of school organization
1. Organize tasks, powers and responsibilities to the institution of school
2. Facilitate the course of business cooperation between the people who work together at school.
3. Managing traffic relations between the people, agencies and work units in schools so as to create a good team work.
1. As a vehicle to share the work between the components and the existing work units in schools
2. As a vehicle to facilitate cooperation among these components.
3. As a vehicle to regulate traffic relations between people, agencies and units that have schools.
Organizing principles of school
1. Formulation of school goals are clearly
2. The emphasis of school goals
3. The principle of division of work
4. The principle of delegation of authority
5. The principle of grouping functions
6. The principle of unity of command
7. The existence of monitoring capabilities
8. Accommodative
Organizing principles Schools
Centralization; All decisions and household organization governed by a bud.
Decentralization; All decisions and organizational housekeeping unit parts are self-managed.

Organization System-Sistem Organisasi

Posted on 01:38 | By Article Center | In ,


Organization is a structured framework that links inside and contain the authority, responsibility and division of tasks to perform something specific functions.
The system is a number of units related to one another so that forming a union that seeks to achieve certain goals.
Organizational Structure; How job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.
Basics Organizational Structure
Specialization; every step of the work completed by different individuals.
Departementalisasi; grouping jobs. With a base; function, product type, territory, the
Chain of command; who reports to whom
Range control; How many employees are controlled by one person
Centralization and Desentaralisasi; decision-making
Formalization; Every job is formal regulations

The Sources of Islamic Law-Sumber-Sumber Hukum Islam

Posted on 01:30 | By Article Center | In ,


Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution is the primary source of law in Indonesia, from two sources that Indonesia is able to run itself on some of the old order, new order, and reform, or that we are familiar with the term absolute democracy. Source of law is a benchmark in determining a new rule, so as not to stray from the main purpose of a group, religion or country. Therefore, not in this world that has a rule, but do not have the legal sources. Thus, the law and legal resources can not be separated, they must go together.
Islam as the religion of the world's second largest after Christianity and a religion that respects the welfare and unity, all human beings, also have a rules that apply to the believer to achieve its main objectives. Rules bersifar horizontally and vertically (Hablun Minallah wa Hablun Minannas). For that, Muslims in leading his people in carrying out and making laws that are required to be based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, they were a major source of Islamic law.
However, today, Muslims are faced with problem-problemcbaru and complex phenomenon that they have difficulty to take a decision and action. But also some of them, ridiculous and arbitrary act arbitrarily in the face of new events. It happened because of lack of understanding of the sources of Islamic law. Therefore, the authors of this paper will discuss the sources of Islamic law is complete and agreed by jumhur Ulama 'so as Muslims continue to run in accordance with the laws of Allah SWT.

History of Growth and Development Usul Fiqh-Sejarah Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Ushul Fiqih

Posted on 01:14 | By Article Center | In ,


As religious sciences in the Islamic other, the developing science of Usul Fiqh to remain grounded in the Quran and the Sunna. Usul Fiqh been around since the time of the Prophet and Companions. The main problem that is part usul fiqh, such as ijtihad, qiyas, nasakh, and takhsis existing at the time of the Prophet and Companions.
At the time of the Prophet Islamic legal sources only two, namely the Qur'an and Sunnah. If a case appears, the Prophet waited for a clear revelation of the case law. If not down the revelation of Allah menetapkam case law through his saying that we are familiar with the Hadith or Sunna.
When a problem can not be explained or resolved by the Quran and Sunna, then it can be done through the following indicators, through ijtihad, qiyas, etc.. Indicators strung in usul fiqh.
Usul Fiqh is the rules used in an attempt to obtain syara laws' of the acts of his theses are detailed. And efforts to obtain such legal, among others with ijtihad.
Since the time of the Prophet, companions, Tabi'in and afterward, the Islamic legal thought developed. However, the style or method of thinking in terbukukan not be made systematic. In other words, not shaped as a separate discipline.

Prayer and Mental Health-Sholat dan Kesehatan Mental

Posted on 06:17 | By Article Center | In ,


Prayer is the pillar of religion for Muslims. Prayer command derives directly from Allag SWT, which at the time of the Prophet Muhammad run Isra 'Ascension. Prayer is essentially an absolute necessity to create complete human beings. Besides, prayer is also a need for the mind and the human soul, and a society need to realize that expected by the whole person.
Prayer is an important and worship for Muslims primary. Once the importance of prayer so as to give the command to pray God was pleased to call himself the Prophet Muhammad to face him directly. As for the commandments of God that others are always submitted to Allah through the intercession of the angel Gabriel. Since prayer is the most important service for the life of the people, then certainly a lot of wisdom in terms of moral (spiritual) and physical (physical).
If a few replies and benefits derived human prayers in the afterlife, then among mercy, fadhilah, and the greatness of Allah SWT in the world is to make prayer a lot of benefits for the body of Islam. While these benefits innumerable. With a Muslim prayer will benefit by itself, without notice.
In addition to the earthly benefits (body) without number, the benefit and in the Hereafter balasn not terhiung number. This has profound implications for the human body in terms of psychological, health, and character of a Muslim. It should seurang known by Muslims to be more praise and give thanks to Allah SWT, membrti substances such benefits. AWT provides good God for the spirit, soul, and body of a Muslim in every ritual prayer.
Studies of salaah made during this still has weaknesses, the majority yautu only see from one side only, for example, just look at the psychological side of it or just see the side sebalinya religion alone. Starting from the problems of this paper will discuss prayer in terms of mental health for every Muslim to know the benefits of prayer from any side, especially in terms of mental health.

Education Mahabbah-Pendidikan Mahabbah

Posted on 06:12 | By Article Center | In ,


Islam contains three basic dimensions that must be owned by every Muslim, faith, Islam and Ihsan. The scholars who have contributed to maintain the sanctity of Islamic religion also can be classified into three major groups. The first group served to maintain and preserve the position of the basics of the faith. The second group in charge of the position of Islam and teaching key points. While the third is the status of ihsan guards.
This paper tries to discuss the third group, which is commonly known as the Sufis, the mystical teachings. Especially women Sufi Rabi'a Al-Adawiyah of divine love.
The main feature of the Sufis is a persistent effort to reach the top makrifat, up to the "meeting" with God. To that end comes a variety of efforts paved the way to achieve it. At first, Zahid Hasan Basri through zuhud with khauf. Then by Rabi'a al-Adawiyah, khauf abandoned in a lot of divine love coloring the Sufis in subsequent eras.
Love is growing because of the bright inner eye to see kemakhlukan self, and awareness of God's love is always felt never stopped stroking him. As word of God: "And I bestowed my love for you (Surah Taha, 20:39) also stated:" And those who believe in greater love for God. "(Surat al-Baqarah, 2:165).
The most interesting part of this doctrine of divine love, is the impact on the lives of the Sufis. Whole life mobilized for achieving the main goal, to meet with his beloved: God. Sufis willingly have sacrificed everything (wealth, honor, wills, life and anything that is considered meaningful to humans) solely for the beloved, without thinking or mengaharapkan reward. They had not familiar with meaningful things a human being again. If there's a sense that I'm me you are you, not yet reached the core of love.
So in love is so often felt able to unite with God. Since it emerged as the teachings of Ittihad, hulul, wihdatul form. Even Al-Farid wants to die because of his love. Meanwhile, al-Adawiyah Rabi'a itself to a virgin for life for refusing to share his love. Her lover is God
Most beloved and Loved her. Rabi'a must repay him with the totality of love love, so sometimes he would forget himself. Even his love for once asked him: "Do you hate the devil? He replied:" No. My love to God does not leave empty space in me to hate the devil. "
Spiritual intelligence based on the teachings of love (mahabbah). And, we mean love is the desire to give and do not have the intention to obtain rewards. Love is not a commodity, but a very strong concern for morality and humanity. Love means the ability to open the door of forgiveness and far from being vindictive and hate. They are intelligent spiritual soul that is typical of a quiet (nafsul muth'mainah), because they realize that life is blinking, moving, and then silence, then quiet roar, to serve for life and eternal death. As such, they always show the full figure of her morals and love affection, love and want to be loved of God, so that wherever they were, they felt Illahiah monitored by cameras.

Education Luqman Al-Hakim-Pendidikan Luqman Al-Hakim

Posted on 05:42 | By Article Center | In ,


Al-Quran as a holy book would not leave room for debate. However, the Qur'an as the source of all knowledge, which includes concepts that are important to children's education, this needs to be found and developed. Islamic education with religious characteristics, making the basics of religion as the foundation of education, mainly al-Qur'an.
Has many services mufassir to describe the divine will in the sacred texts, with various shades of approaches and interpretations of their flow do. However, products do not invalidate the interpretation as a product of history that can not fully escape from the demands of space and time when first raised. From this it can be seen that the Qur'an didekatai from a historical perspective.
There is nothing that guarantees that the documentary texts intellectual treasures such as the derivative mufassir sacred texts, identical and fully articulate what ought to be. Moreover, all the discourse recorded in the text of the documentary heritage of the past could not accommodate it and discussing the problems that occurred today amid the Islamic community. Therefore, the textuality of history drawn on the meaning kontektual left no historical unsur.
Based on these urain, then the meaning of historical value in the Qur'an, among them the stories that can be approached with the perspective of children's education, became a necessity to be studied. Among some of the stories contained in the al-qur'an is the story of a wise leader who was giving advice to his son. He is Luqman al-judge whose name has been immortalized one letter names in the Qur'an. In general, the story is a reminder of a fact that education is the responsibility of parents.
Based on the philosophical views of education for children who are growing, so strong guiding thought that children's education authorization only focused on the educational environment (flow empiricism). Then came the flow of which confirms that education is not effective to alter the natural heriditas and conditions (the flow of naturalism). Then show the flow convergence; a synthesis between the two schools where the philosophy of education is included therein may be children's education in the Qur'an.

"Educational Psychology Research Method"-“Metode Penelitian Psikologi Pendidikan”

Posted on 05:27 | By Article Center | In ,


Islamic Education is education that is understood and developed from the teachings and the fundamental values embodied in the Qur'an and hadith that intangible thoughts and theories of education which is based or built and developed from the basic sources of these.
Educational psychology has a role in guiding and directing students to develop interests and talents. So in the development of an educator should be able to know the physical and psychological condition of students. Berhubungn with these in educational psychology research conducted several methods to determine the condition of these developments.
Based on the description above, the author will explain "Educational Psychology Research Methods". With the diaharapkan it can help educators to guide and direct students in developing the potential, talents and interests.

"Human Development Study Law and Psychological Perspectives the Qur'an"-“Kajian Hukum Perkembangan Manusia Perspektif Psikologi dan Al-Qur’an”

Posted on 05:09 | By Article Center | In ,


Object developmental psychology of human development as a person. The development of the human person is going on since the conception until death. The development in question is a specific process that is ongoing yamg process, and the process that led to the future and not simply be repeated again.
Humans by nature are a perfect creation of God shape compared with other God's creation. Humans are equipped with the ability to know and understand the truth and goodness that radiated from his creation. Through the mind of reason, man tries to understand the reality of his life, understand themselves and what is around it. By studying psychology, people will know the facts and principles about human behavior.

"Environmental Impact of the Individual"-“Pengaruh Lingkungan terhadap Individu”

Posted on 05:01 | By Article Center | In ,


Environment is one of the factors that influence the formation and development of individual behavior, both physical environment and socio-psychological environment, including the study. Of these environmental factors, some are calling a significant empirical experience, because the environment is the individual begins to experience and taste the natural surroundings. Human beings can not escape from the absolute environmental impact, because the environment is always available in the vicinity. The extent to which the environmental impact for individual self, we can follow the following description:

Essence Of Prayer Tahajud-Hakikat Sholat Tahajud

Posted on 04:43 | By Article Center | In ,


Prayer is commanded to worship Muhammad and His people when he went running Isra 'and Mi `raj. The Prophet said, praying that mi'rajnya a believer. Prophet Ascension journey is the journey that is very, very blessed. This is a journey filled with the scent and spiritual beauty. The purpose of this trip is to meet with God.
So with prayer, prayer meeting goals Allah SWT. While this meeting could only be a believer, not merely a Muslim. Say prayer is the culmination of all worship because that is the way sholatlah, processes, tools, Untk facing Allah SWT, to meet with him, and to dialogue with him.
When the day was turning on its axis and will have lunch and dinner, always berdanti penance. When the day we are required to seek rizki who has been awarded to his servants. And we worship the night time and faced to the Creator for barokah bershukur and pleaded for what we can. As Muslims in prayers for sunahkan Tahajjud which has many blessings. Because the word of God, which reads:
"And on the part of the night, then bowed down to Him and glorify Him in the night long"
Tahajjud prayer has many advantages that will be able to Muhammad who devoted people and want to do it. Of the advantages that one of them is about achieving success in the world live and survive in akherat. In this case the success in the world will quickly be obtained by the prayers offered at night or the Tahajjud Qiyamullaili time.

Describe Multiple Intelligences Applications As Intellectual Capital Development Proficiency Life (LIFE SKILL)-Mendeskripsikan Aplikasi Kecerdasan Maj

Posted on 04:39 | By Article Center | In ,


One of the developmental tasks that adolescents must master is to learn what is expected by the group from him and then want to establish their behavior to conform with social harapam without continued guided, supervised and punished didororng as experienced when the kids. Adolescent phase is the development of the individual segments is very important.
Which begins with the mature organs of the physical (sexual) that it can produce. Salzman argues, that the development of adolescents is dependent manner (dependence) of the parents toward self-sufficiency (independence), sexual interests, self reflection, and attention to aesthetic values and moral issues.

Humanistic Psychology-Psikologi Humanistik

Posted on 04:22 | By Article Center | In ,


Previously there were two philosophical movement, phenomenology and existentialism, which follows its impact on psychology in Europe and America. The second movement is very attractive philosophy for a party of American psychologists who are not satisfied with and alienated from behavioristic psychology and psychoanalysis and the search for alternatives in psychology that focus should be human and existential characteristics. This group provides a sympathetic response to phenomenology and existentialism, and ready to absorb from both the ideas and philosophical concepts and approaches which corresponds to metodologisnya tendencies own theoretical and practical. As a result of these developments as well as from other forces, a new movement is slowly emerged in the United States and began to grow significantly. While covering the intellectual currents of the heterogeneous, this movement has two basic characteristics, namely: First, dissatisfaction with the existing behavioristic orientation in contemporary psychology and second, making the study of human beings, about nature and its existence as the main point of psychology. This movement became known as humanisik psychology.
Humanistic psychology is often referred to as the third school in psychology after Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis. This humanistic psychology's birth as a critique of these two thoughts that tend dehumanis. Humanistic psychology recognizes not only the external behavior of the objective, but also the life or subjective inner experience, with this psychology will thus entered the realm of research of the phenomena generally ignored by Western psychology in the twentieth century, namely, personal meaning, reason, imagination, fantasy , religious beliefs and mystical experience.
Humanistic psychologists try to see human life as human beings see their lives. They tend to hold on to an optimistic perspective on human nature. They focus on the human ability to think consciously and rationally for the biological control of desires, and in reaching their full potential. In the humanistic view, people responsible for the lives and actions and have the freedom and ability to change their attitudes and behavior.

The Concept of Learning by Az-Zarnuji-Konsep Belajar Menurut Az-Zarnuji

Posted on 03:50 | By Article Center | In ,


Because of the importance of this Ilmi Thalabul, then the Prophet ordered his people to keep up their studies at any time. "Ilma Uthlubul minal mahdi, ilal lahdi", demand of science since the mother's arms to the grave ". So the word of the Apostle. Because of that, nothing else to do but serious in learning, reproduce insights, exchange ideas, discussion (Mudzakarah, Muthala'ah, Munadzarah) and other things that can be valuable knowledge, so that one day humans can achieve God's reward, in Paradise Jannatun Na'im.
Of course, studying is not easy. Inside was full of tests and trials. Sometimes the money was in hand, while the demand needs of increasing learning time, misery when learning, as teachers begin working order, memorizing and others. All it takes perseverance and tremendous tenacity. A poem says: "Whoever their studies with no serious, then wait there is a gray crow". This means that fortitude alone was not enough, but it also must be balanced with the seriousness, continuity, and high ductility. If it is fulfilled, God willing, the student will not only managed to obtain more knowledge, but also useful, provided accompanied with sincere intentions only because of God and not because they expect the popularity in the midst of life.
Reality which is the environmental community still find people who learn, or send their children to study only aimed to find a job and social status alone. Employment and social status is something that needs to find, but it should not be the main orientation in the study, because both it is only Allah who has the right to regulate them.
In addition, in the study also needed special tricks, so that the run did not find difficulties. For example, how do I start learning time, a good way of learning, ethics for teachers, friends and the book's lessons learned and so forth. But also not to be forgotten are praying to God Almighty bermunajat so blessed with brains, able to understand well, and blessed with useful knowledge. Beneficial for themselves, especially for the homeland, nation and religion.
So when the adult learners have been serious in their studies, but not until the benefits and results, namely the practice and disseminate knowledge. Both became blocked, because they have been wrong in the path of seeking knowledge and leave the terms. Whoever is going the wrong way, then he will get lost and will not get what you meant. Because of that, Az-Zarnuji want to explain to them about the methods of study in accordance with what is taught by several teachers who have knowledge and wisdom. Everything is meant to get students from the prayer Mukhlis science lovers.

Rule Ushul Fiqh-Kaidah Ushul Fiqih

Posted on 00:53 | By Article Center | In ,


The rules of language in Ushul Fiqih to understand and be understood because the science is very closely in daily life. If a wrong step then we will get lost. Therefore the study of Ushul Fiqih istimbath and Fiqiyyah rules is mandatory for Muslims.
In these linguistic rules proposed methods solve postulates that opposed dzhair, so all that is in the Qur'an and Sunnah can be understood and obliged. Legal issues in this approach is directly related to heat (Al-Qur'an / Sunnah).
Fiqih rules consist of a lot of sense, because it is comprehensive rules covering parts in the sense applicable to juz'iyatnya (parts). One of the benefits of the rules of fiqih, we will know the general principles of fiqih and will know what color the subject fiqih and then become the intersection of fiqih issues.

Teori Belajar Kognitif-Cognitive Learning Theory

Posted on 20:07 | By Article Center | In ,


Different cognitive learning theory with learning theory behavioristic. Cognitive learning theory more importance on the process of learning from the results of learning. Cognitive learning model says that a person's behavior is determined by the perceptions and understanding of the situation related to the learning objectives. learning is a change of perception and understanding can not always be seen as behavior that looks.
This theory holds that learning is a process that includes interal memory, retention, processing information, emotional and psychological aspects of other. The learning process involves setting the received stimuli and adapt to the cognitive structures that already exist and are formed in one's mind based on understanding and previous experiences.
Among the cognitive theorists, there are three well-known experts, among others: Piaget, Bruner, Ausubel. Akan tetapi dalam makalah ini hanya menjelaskan mengenai teori kognitif menurut Bruner.